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How to generate a markdown file

Using a template for your markdown report

You need a template file for generating a markdown file. You can have a look at the examples provided by the MdBOM project.

The template can be specified via the --template option.

Generating a markdown file based on a single BOM

Once you have a template and a BOM you should be able to generate a markdown file via

mdb generate --input bom.json --output --template

This will take the "bom.json" file as input, collect all relevant information and use the "" template to generate the "" file.

Generating a markdown file based on multiple BOMs

It is also possible to take multiple BOM files as input by simply providing a directory path via the --input option. If a directory is provided MdBOM tries to process all .json files in that directory. Make sure that only valid BOMs are present as JSON files in that directory.

The complete command could look like:

mdb generate --input ./my-boms --output --template

Filtering specific types

In case you are using multiple BOM files, coming from different ecosystems, you can apply a filter, via the --type option, which will only return information which matches the specified type.

The complete command could look like:

mdb generate --input ./my-boms --output --template --type pypi

Supported package managers

Currently, MdBOM supports the following package manager types:

  • pypi
  • npm
  • golang